Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Almost ...

They say that you don't worry about carrying eggs until you're almost to the kitchen. That's about how I feel; anxious to get to Zambia, but worrying over what I'm taking.

Truth be told, I'm taking everything I "need" in my carry-on (a NATO-style canvas backpack). GPS, thermometer, documents (WHO card, passport are the must-haves), a number of pens, my journal, a wind-up flashlight, a radio, and a few sundries like toothpaste, socks, etc. Oh, and a fishing reel ... you can take the boy out of the U.P., but ...

Always said to say goodbye to Upper Michigan, esp. at the close of the year. Somewhat poetic / ironic ... it's supposed to snow a bit Thurs. and Fri. My friend N.J. in Lusaka says that the inswa (flying termites, a favorite food) are emerging, a harbinger of the coming rainy season. Leaving one change to land in another. Too bad it precludes deer season; I genuinely enjoy walking in the woods.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you forgot to bring:
    -Regulation Cricket Frisbee
    -"Cute Clothes" for Alpha Bar
    -processed cheese packets

    I hope you'll be okay anyway.
    Mwende Bulongo, bakwami!

