Thursday, January 5, 2012

Resolutions 2012

Happy New Year!

I'm going to try to keep the blog and the dream alive. Simple resolutions / goals this year:

  1. Get my siLozi to a level higher than my kiKaonde was a few years ago (it's pretty sloppy right now).
  2. Pull up my statistics. It is also really rusty from unintentional neglect.
  3. Read the Bible (aka Bibele ya Kinele) all the way through. If you want to track our [US] involvement in Israel, read Genesis, Chapter 13. Then the questions get really deep ...  
  4. Exercise more regularly.
  5. Eat simply.
  6. Live simply. Less is more. 
  7. Write, write, write.
I'll be honest; 4-6 will be far easier in Zambia. Even the communication-deprived Upper Peninsula is comparatively full of stuff. America is collectively drowning in stuff, but I won't go into that here. 

Well, all for now ... I have to squeeze in all my Internet time into two hours I spend at our local bar which has WiFi. The way we are up here, all the bandwidth tends to be mine. Then I go home and grind rust off cast iron pans (everyone has their quirks to kill time).

Here's a blog I'm following that is far more honest than I'd care to be about expat development workers: To quote Homer Simpson, "It's funny because it's true."

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